Royal Oak Optometry

Reopening May 19, 2020

Reopening May 19, 2020

Over the past several weeks we have been keeping a close eye on the COVID-19 situation. We have carefully following recommendations from The College of Optometrists of British Columbia as well as the federal and provincial governments. In compliance with these regulations, we are pleased to announce that as of Tuesday, May 19, 2020, we will re-open for:
  • all routine eye examinations
  • contact lens assessments
  • minor appointments
  • ocular emergencies

What’s changed

As always, the health and safety of our patients and staff is our number one priority. The next time that you see us, we will look a little bit different. However, we promise to offer the same high-quality care that you have come to know us for. You will see that we have:
  • installed interior plexiglass shields at all potential points of contact with our staff
  • plastic guards in front of examination room equipment
  • if a team member is required to get close to you for proper measurements, a face shield will provide protection
  • reduced patient flow and a limited number of people in the office at one time
  • temporarily extended our office hours to increase appointment availability
  • glasses can be tried on – after which all frames are sanitized using proper disinfectant protocols

Help us to maximize our safety measures by

  1. Coming to your appointment alone (unless accompanying a child to their visit). If you require assistance getting to your appointment, we kindly ask that your companion wait outside.
  2. Wearing your own face covering.
  3. Leave all unnecessary belongings in the car or at home.
  4. Sanitizing your hands upon arrival.

What to do if you’re unwell

If you are experiencing any symptoms of a cough, cold or flu, please stay home and we will be happy to rebook your routine examination for another time. If you are feeling unwell or are uncomfortable visiting us in person and have an urgent ocular emergency or concern, we are pleased to offer telehealth consults during our extended hours. We have successfully implemented this form of remote care over the past 2 months, and hope to continue to offer this safe and convenient alternative.

Thank you

We are looking forward to connecting with you again soon, and are always happy to answer any questions or address any concerns. Stay well, and we will see you soon!

Don’t forget, we now have an online contact lens and dry eye products store! Please click here to order your contact lenses and dry eye products and have them delivered to you.


  1. Kathleen von Kanel July 25, 2020 at 7:39 am

    Could I have my nose pads changed and the arms of my glasses tightened today, Saturday, or Monday?


    • Sarah Lett July 25, 2020 at 9:53 am

      Thank you for reaching out Kathleen! One of our team members will be in touch with you shortly to schedule an appointment time with you.


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