
What is Hyperopia?

Hyperopia, commonly known as farsightedness, is a visual condition in which the person can see objects in the distance more clearly than objects that are near.

What causes Hyperopia?

The clarity of an image depends on the way that the shape of the eye focuses light on the retina. If the eyeball is too short or the cornea has too little curvature, images that are near can’t be focused clearly on the retina resulting in blurred close-up vision. This is know to be caused by either hereditary or environmental factors.

What are the symptoms of Hyperopia?

Someone with hyperopia may be unknowingly exerting extra effort to see close-range images. This can show up with symptoms such as blurred vision, headaches, fatigue and eye strain. The person may also experience aching or burning eyes, poor reading ability, difficulty focusing on close objects and general tension.

How is Hyperopia tested?Hyperopia

To detect hyperopia, it’s important to see your optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam. Sight tests and common vision screening, which are often done in schools, are not effective means for detecting hyperopia as the person may have no problem seeing the distant letters on the eye chart.

How is Hyperopia treated?

In mild cases, the eyes might do an adequate job of compensating and the person may not require corrective lenses. However, reading glasses and/or computer glasses may offer occasional comfort. In more severe cases, full-time wear of glasses or contact lenses may be required or an appropriate candidate may opt for corrective laser surgery.